Only 17% of Americans can name a living scientist. If you ask middle school students what a scientists looks like, they’ll tell you he’s a an old white guy with crazy hair, glasses and a lab coat. More often than not, he’s depicted inside and playing with chemicals. This stereotype is pervasive – and completely, totally wrong.
All of this is why I completely and totally love the new tumblr This Is What A Scientist Looks Like started by sci-comm guru Allie Wilkinson. Scientists from all kinds of fields are asked to submit photos of themselves and write a brief bit about who they are. The pictures are incredible; scientists are depicted everywhere from Antarctica to the tropics, on the tops of mountains or under the sea. The pics express personality, intelligence, and even a little humor.
Anyhow, if you’re a scientist, I strongly encourage you to add yourself. And if you’re not, go check out what scientists really look like, including a few goofballs like this: