My very first blog post was September 2008. A lot has changed since then—I started and completed a PhD program at the University of Hawaii (where I met my partner and now baby-daddy), did a post-doc, wrote one book (that you should really read—just ask Amazon or Smithsonian) and edited another (on science blogging!), and started a new full-time editing job with the YouTube science channel SciShow. And over those ten years, I have written more than 800 blog posts, my blog has gone from being called Observations of a Nerd to Science Sushi, and it’s moved from Blogspot to Science Blogs to Scientific American to Discover—and now, it’s making one last move.
I started blogging because I wanted to share my passion for science with the world. And my posts have done that—they’ve also opened up new avenues for sharing my passions. I owe a lot to this online platform I started on a decade ago. If I hadn’t started blogging, I wouldn’t have the writing career I have now. Even my partner and I bonded over our mutual love of writing online (and I still think his blog is so much cooler than mine), so it’s impossible for me to imagine what my life would have been like had my friend Allie never suggested I try my hand at it. But now, I get to nerd out over awesome science every day in the scripts I work on for SciShow and through my freelance writing for places like National Geographic. So the time has come to close the book… or, the laptop, I guess.
It’s been a decade, and it’s time to move on. Since I’ll no longer be blogging regularly, Science Sushi is moving again—this time, to a permanent home, ScienceSushi.com. The archives will still be hosted here at Discover, as well as at my blog’s new home, but I won’t be updating the blog with any regularity. If I feel particularly moved to comment on the world of science, I reserve the right to post a new post every now and then at the new site, but this is my last post here at Discover.
Thank you to all of my regular readers—you have made the past decade truly wonderful. And to those of you who might just now be stumbling across this blog, don’t worry: I’m not going away. If you subscribe to SciShow and SciShow Psych, you’ll hear my words and the words I edit frequently, and you can keep up to date with any other freelance writing I do by following my Facebook page, Twitter, or periodically checking out my website. I’ll be somewhere on the interwebs, just not here—and I hope to see you around.
— Christie