Shark Week Stats Show Science Sells

It’s no secret that last year I had no love for Discovery Channel’s annual fin fest. Shark Week 2014 kicked off with yet another fake documentary, included a reprise of their infamous Megalodon mockumentary, and had what I might argue was the worst shark week special of all time, set right here in Hawaii. It was incredibly disheartening to see Discovery double down on the B.S. after the initial Megalodon special prompted an outpouring of anger from scientists and viewers. Given the drop in viewership from 2013 to 2014, it was clear that I wasn’t the only one disappointed by the channel’s choices, and that there were serious concerns coming from critics and fans alike. The disgustingly-awful Eaten Alive in December was simply the last straw; I was certain that there was no hope for the once-educational network. Then Rich Ross stepped up as the new president, stating that he was going to get rid of the faked footage and gaudy stunts, and suddenly, there was a glimmer of light in the deep, deep darkness.

Rich kept his promise, delivering a Shark Week that even softened the heart of the scientist dubbed its biggest critic, David Shiffman. In a public statement on his Facebook page, the PhD candidate at the University of Miami said he was “very pleased with the improvements this year.”

“There was a much higher focus on science and biodiversity, and greatly reduced fearmongering and pseudoscience. Some of the shows from this year will inspire kids to become scientists or conservationists, and I won’t have to correct misconceptions caused by this year’s programming when I speak to schoolchildren over the coming months!” (see his detailed reviews of each show here)

Even the ads were better, if you ask me: in place of the sexist, sensationalized chum spot from last year was this lovely beach scene, completely devoid of blood and gore:


But the real question is: did the rest of Discovery’s viewers feel the same way? Continue reading “Shark Week Stats Show Science Sells”

Genetically Modified Moth Passes Greenhouse Testing With Flying Colors

Sure, he looks cute — just don't let him near your broccoli. Photo by J. Ogrodnick
Sure, he looks cute — just don’t let him near your broccoli. Photo by J. Ogrodnick

The diamondback moth catterpillar (Plutella xylostella) may not look like much, but don’t be fooled by its generic caterpillar-y appearance; these larval lepidopterans are one of the world’s worst insect pests. Diamondback caterpillars gorge their way through cabbages, canola, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, costing farmers $4-5 billion annually worldwide. The worst part is that these hungry beasts always seem to be a step ahead of pest management strategies, readily evolving resistance to every organic and synthetic chemical that farmers attempt to wipe them out with. But now, scientists have created a secret weapon that the bugs cannot resist: genetically modified males whose genes kill their female offspring. Continue reading “Genetically Modified Moth Passes Greenhouse Testing With Flying Colors”

Blindsnake Dinner Etiquette: Decapitate First, Then Swallow

I have been living in Hawaii for six years now, and I have once, and only once, caught a glimpse of the snakes that call these islands home.
Meet the blindsnake, the only snake species to have successfully established in Hawaii. Photo by Mark Yokoyama
Meet the brahminy blindsnake, the only snake species to have successfully established in Hawaii.
Photo by Mark Yokoyama.

Yes, you read that right: there are snakes in Hawaii. Technically, there are two species that can be found here, but the yellow-bellied sea snake is so rare it almost doesn’t count. The other — the brahminy blindsnake — is actually quite common, though it’s easy to understand why it’s often overlooked: these small, black creatures only grow to be about six inches long and dwell in the dirt. They are often mistaken for worms because of their diminutive size and underground lifestyle. The same species can be found worldwide: natively throughout Asia and Africa and non-natively in several places, including Hawaii. They’re also the only species of snake that is entirely parthenogenic — no male has ever been collected. They simply don’t look or act like we think a snake should. And now, scientists have documented yet another trait that makes them stand out from their serpentine brethren: before swallowing, they will sometimes decapitate their meal. Continue reading “Blindsnake Dinner Etiquette: Decapitate First, Then Swallow”

Cone Snail Venom: The Best Offense Is A Good Defense

One of the most potent toxins in venomous cone snails likely started as a defense against hungry fish. Image from Figure 4, Jin et al. 2015
One of the most potent toxins in venomous cone snails likely started as a defense against hungry fish.
Image from Figure 4, Jin et al. 2015

Cone snails are among the most venomous animals on the planet, with some species able to kill an adult human in a matter of minutes. Some species hunt worms, some hunt other snails, and some even hunt fast-moving fish, the last of which are the most dangerous to us. Evolutionary studies suggest that ancestral cone snails were worm-eaters, and that fish-eating is a relatively new phenomenon. Which begs the question: how does a snail go from a slow-moving worm-hunter to a quick-striking fish-hunter? A team of scientists thinks they may have found the answer: the snails turned defensive toxins into attack weaponry.

Continue reading “Cone Snail Venom: The Best Offense Is A Good Defense”

These flatworms plunge their penises into their own heads to inject themselves with sperm (when they must).

A very ordinary flatworm with a very extraordinary way of reproducing. Photo © Ramm SA, Schlatter A, Poirier M, Schärer L.
A very ordinary flatworm with a very extraordinary way of reproducing. Image credit: Lukas Schärer

The flatworm Macrostomum hystrix isn’t exciting to look at. Its diet of microalgae doesn’t raise any eyebrows, and you probably wouldn’t even notice one if you came across it in its native habitat. But in the bedroom, these flatworms take kink to a whole new level: when they can’t find a partner, they will stab themselves in the head with their needle-like penises and inject sperm to self-fertilize. Continue reading “These flatworms plunge their penises into their own heads to inject themselves with sperm (when they must).”


Scientists urge for more signs like this one and other ways of protecting beachgoers, not killing sharks.
Experts urge for more signs like this and other effective ways of protecting beachgoers. Credit: Shutterstock

Given the enormous backlash to Western Australia’s ill-conceived shark cull last year, you would think that government officials would have come to realize that killing sharks is a terrible way to respond to shark bites (more than 100 shark scientists and 2/3 of Western Australians opposed that cull). But it appears that authorities in North Carolina have not learned from others’ mistakes: Oak Island Town Manager Tim Holloman announced this week that following two life-threatening bites, officials would “take appropriate action” and “eliminate” any shark they deem a potential threat. According to the L.A. Times:

If officials see aggressive behavior from any sharks near shore, such as darting in and out of the surf line or coming within about 100 feet of the beach, Holloman said, the officials are prepared to euthanize the animal.

“If they look like they’re posing a danger, we will authorize that action,” Holloman told the Los Angeles Times.

Let me be extremely clear: what happened to the two teenagers in Oak Island, N.C. this week is awful. My heart goes out to them and their friends and relatives. They have survived something terrible and life-altering, and I hope that they are being well supported and cared for. But killing any shark that comes within 100 feet of shore or displays “aggressive behavior” will not return their limbs — nor will it prevent anyone else from losing theirs. Continue reading “Hey Everyone (Including North Carolina): STOP RESPONDING TO SHARK BITES BY INDISCRIMINATELY KILLING SHARKS.”

Scientists create sperm-producing female fish by turning off a single gene

sperm_eggAs far as natural selection is concerned, sex is just about everything. All activities a creature engages in are in service of reproduction. Not surprisingly, the nitty gritty cellular details of reproductive biology are thus of extreme interest to many scientists.

Biologically speaking, males are the members of a species that generate sperm while females produce eggs. But now, scientists from Japan have shown that a female fish can produce fully-functioning sperm—and would all the time, if it weren’t for the expression of a single gene. Continue reading “Scientists create sperm-producing female fish by turning off a single gene”

Happy #WorldOceansDay! (A Link Round-Up)

Time to show our love for the oceans! Image from
Time to show our love for the oceans! Image from

Today is World Oceans Day, a United Nations-recognized day of ocean celebration and action. This year’s theme is simple—Healthy oceans, healthy planet—with a focus on the problem of marine plastic, a topic I recently wrote about for Popular Science.

Around the internets, World Oceans Day has been making a lot of waves, with lots of great articles about the importance of marine environments and what all of us can do to make them healthier. It’s heartening to see the attention that this day is receiving, including the flood of posts using the hashtag on Twitter*.

Here are some of my favorites ocean posts from today: Continue reading “Happy #WorldOceansDay! (A Link Round-Up)”

Thinking Inside The Box: Insights Into One Of The World’s Deadliest Venoms

One of the deadliest venoms in the world can be found in the flimsy tentacles of this box jellyfish.
One of the deadliest venoms in the world can be found in the flimsy tentacles of this box jellyfish.

When you get right down to it, box jellyfish are little more than goo. The majority of their volume is mesoglea, a non-living, jello-like substance, which is sandwiched between two thin tissue layers. They have no teeth to bite with, no claws to scratch with — none of the weaponry we generally think of when we imagine a ruthless predator. Yet these boneless, brainless boxies are among the deadliest animals on Earth. The box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri can kill a full grown man in less than five minutes, and the venom it wields in its tentacles contains of some of the most rapid, potent toxins in the world.

Exactly what those toxins are, though, has remained somewhat of a mystery. Scientists have been trying to determine the composition of box jelly venom for decades, but have only uncovered some of its potent constituents. And while there’s still more to learn, last week, a research team from Queensland, Australia published the most extensive analysis of Chironex venom proteins to date, revealing some of the diverse arsenal that these gelatinous killers are equipped with. Continue reading “Thinking Inside The Box: Insights Into One Of The World’s Deadliest Venoms”

Believe in the chocolate diet? I have a box jelly antivenom to sell you.

On Wednesday, journalist John Bohannon revealed to the world how he “fooled millions into thinking chocolate helps weight loss.” In a boastful piece for i09, he details how he and German television reporter Peter Onneken performed a faulty clinical trial and used flawed statistics to make it seem like chocolate was a weight loss wonder. The team then wrote a bad paper and managed to publish it in a (non-peer-reviewed) journal. They intentionally concocted an enticing press release to tell the world about their not-so-reliable results, and managed to get a few large sites to bite the hook they carefully baited. “For far too long, the people who cover this beat have treated it like gossip, echoing whatever they find in press releases,” Bohannon wrote to explain why he agreed to the elaborate sting. He hopes that the shame of being called out for bad journalism will be enough to get reporters and the public to be a bit more skeptical of science news.

Of course, some were quick to point out that Bohannon mostly fooled the most well-known churnalistic sites, and that overall, science journalists didn’t fall for the ruse. I’m inclined to agree with their criticisms both of ethics of how the sting was conducted and the bold conclusions about the lazy nature of science journalists drawn from it. But it’s hard to stand on my soapbox, fist in the air, when it seems like every week there’s another example of just how shoddy science journalism often is, even when the studies reported on are actually quite wonderful.

Diane Brinkman is firat author on a new paper that tells us more about the venom of the deadly box jelly Chironex fleckeri than ever before — too bad the news media has reported it so poorly.
Diane Brinkman is first author on a new paper that tells us more about the venom of the deadly box jelly Chironex fleckeri than ever before — too bad the news media has done such a shoddy job of reporting about it. Image from Wikipedia.

You see, I’m in a particularly sour mood because I didn’t want to bring up John Bohannon or the failings of science journalists today. Instead, I had planned to write this awesome post about a fascinating new paper published in BMC Genomics. I wanted to talk about how this research (which details the venom transcriptome and proteome of the largest of the deadliest class of invertebrates in the world, the box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri) is an incredible, fresh look at an evolutionarily old venom. I wanted to expound extravagantly on the novel toxin types Diane Brinkman and her colleagues from Queensland found in the terrifying tentacles of a species that has killed more than 60 people and caused serious injury in multitudes more. Most importantly, I would have loved to dive deeply into the study’s methods and results, discuss what this new information tells us about some of my favorite venomous animals, and how it builds the foundation for future studies.

But instead, I was so nauseated by the coverage of this study that I feel obligated to take the time to correct the lazy reporting of others. Bohannon’s chocolate fake-out may not have been right, but it’s hard to say he’s wrong about science news coverage.

Continue reading “Believe in the chocolate diet? I have a box jelly antivenom to sell you.”