Repost: Conversations With My Grandpa

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill. At the time, it was the biggest oil spill in US history.  As far as the cleanup is concerned, the Exxon spill is far from over. But Exxon isn’t the spill that weighs on American minds. I wrote the following post in June of 2010, when an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform stole the title of the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. 21 years after Exxon, and BP proved that oil spills are still a big problem—four years after Deepwater Horizon, has anything really changed? 

Oil supplies the United States with approximately 40% of its energy needs. Billions upon billions of gallons are pumped out of our wells, brought in from other countries, and shipped around to refineries all over the states. 1.3 million gallons of petroleum are spilled into U.S. waters from vessels and pipelines in a typical year. Yes, it would be great if we never spilled a drop of oil. No matter how hard we may try, though, the fact is that nobody is perfect, and oil spills are an inevitable consequence of our widespread use of oil. The question is, once the oil is out there, how do we clean it up?

Nowehere is this issue more glaring than in the Gulf of Mexico right now, where 35,000 to 60,000 barrels of oil are spewing out of the remains of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig every day. The spill has enraged an entire nation. But perhaps my grandfather put it best, when I asked him what he thought about how BP and the US is responding to the spill.

“They’re friggin’ idiots.” Continue reading “Repost: Conversations With My Grandpa”

February’s Sci-shimi: Chestnuts, Chloroplasts, and Conferences, Oh My!

Welcome to Sci-shimi, my monthly roundup of  great science online! Like a delicious, fresh platter of sashimi, these tasty links are meant to be shared —どうぞめしあがれ 

This month’s mind-blowing science moment: Meet the woman who developed a way to run 30 blood tests with a single drop.

Best long-read: Resurrecting a forest, in which Carl Zimmer explains how genetic tinkering may help bring back the American chestnut, complete with a time-lapse video:

Best non-science long-read: The dark power of fraternities by Caitlin Flanagan (with the best opening paragraph of all time).

Extra-special shout out to Danielle Lee, butt-kicking science blogger, who was chosen this month as one of the White House’s Champions of Change. Danielle, you rock so hard it’s giving me whiplash!

Continue reading “February’s Sci-shimi: Chestnuts, Chloroplasts, and Conferences, Oh My!”

So Much More Than An Aquarium—A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Shedd

Earlier this month, I was in Chicago for the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting. It was a whirlwind of fascinating scientific talks, engaging workshops (one with me!), and delightful networking with some of the greatest science writers, editors, and press officers. But that Sunday, I slipped away from the conference with my friend (and excellent science writer) Allie Wilkinson. There was, of course, only one thing in Chicago that was worth missing the exquisite program provided by AAAS: The Shedd Aquarium.
A lionfish at the Shedd Aquarium. Photo by Christie Wilcox
A lionfish at the Shedd Aquarium. Photo by Christie Wilcox

The Shedd Aquarium is the largest indoor marine mammal facility in the world and houses over 30,000 animals that are seen by some 2 million visitors annually. A few million gallons of seawater flow through its diverse and engaging exhibits, which range from local fisheries to exotic reefs from thousands of miles away. Highlights include the oldest aquatic animal on exhibit in the world (Granddad the lungfish), an abundance of marine mammalsa wobbegong and a sawfish, and—my personal favorites—several species of lionfishes. But beyond experiencing the aquarium itself, Allie and I were treated to a personal behind-the-scenes tour, led by communications & public relations manager Nicole Minadeo with help from Dr. Kristine Stump, Shedd’s newest research postdoc.

Continue reading “So Much More Than An Aquarium—A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Shedd”

The Death of Marius: A Step By Step Analysis

Marius, post-mortem, pre-necropsy. Photo from the Associated Press
Marius the Giraffe (post-mortem, pre-necropsy). Photo by Peter Hove Olesen/The Associated Press

A lot of internet outrage has been directed at the Copenhagen Zoo in the past week after they euthanized a young giraffe  because his genes were too common. From what I’ve seen, there are a lot of misconceptions about what happened, and a lot of hyperbolic statements are being thrown around about the event. The different decisions made by the zoo are being mushed together to tell one nightmarish tale, with adjectives like  “barbaric” and “cabalistic” used to describe the so-called “entertainment.”

But did the zoo really just hack a baby giraffe to bits to amuse its (clearly deranged) visitors? Let’s start from the end and work our way back to the beginning of the story.

Continue reading “The Death of Marius: A Step By Step Analysis”

January’s Sci-shimi: from GMOs to Black Holes and everything in between

As a part of my new year’s resolutions, I’ve decided the bring back Sci-shimi, where I serve up fun science news in a simple link round-up. At the end of every month, I’ll post links to the awesomest nerdy news stories that came out in the past weeks (in no particular order), just in case you missed a few. Like a delicious, fresh platter of sashimi, these tasty links are meant to be shared! どうぞめしあがれ 

This month’s mind-blowing science moment: Black holes with inescapable event horizons? Yeah… no, says Stephen Hawking.

Best long-read: Amy Harmon delves into one politician’s struggle to get the facts straight on GMOs Continue reading “January’s Sci-shimi: from GMOs to Black Holes and everything in between”

Is the next blockbuster drug hiding in a century-old venom?

Prialt, a revolutionary painkiller 1,000 times as strong as opiates without the addictive side effects.
Prialt, a revolutionary painkiller 1,000 times as strong as opiates without the addictive side effects.

Aggrastat. Byetta. Captopril. Integrilin. Prialt. What do these drugs have in common? Not what they’re used for, certainly. From angina to diabetes, they treat different diseases or conditions, and all have very different markets. They’re sold by different companies and were discovered in different laboratories around the world. But all have one simple thing in common: they come from animal venoms.

Continue reading “Is the next blockbuster drug hiding in a century-old venom?”

Move over Miley: Dr. Bondar’s ‘Wrecking Ball’ spoof is VMA-worthy!

Miley Cyrus might have licked the sledgehammer first, but Dr. Carin Bondar’s remake of the infamous Wrecking Ball is spoof + science at its best. Whoever thinks Miley has cornered the market on licking strange objects is in for a real treat with Organisms Do Evolve (and I, for one, think Dr. Bondar rocks the white tank top, tighty-whities, and red lipstick far better). Though the aesthetics amuse, the video also focuses on the science, and smashes creationist notions that evolution isn’t true. As the lyrics state once and for all “organisms do evolve/That giant mystery’s been solved/Creationism’s proven false/Get familiar with our phylogeny.”

But does Dr. Bondar recreate the most infamous Miley moment? Well, I guess you’ll just have to watch to find out…

Sea Stars See!

All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight” – Aristotle

I see you! A starfish compound eye (red spot). Image credit Dan-Erik Nilsson, Lund University
I see you! A sea star’s compound eye (red spot). Image credit Dan-Eric Nilsson, Lund University

Human beings are very visual animals. We rely on our sight more than any of our other senses to interpret the world around us, which is why over the centuries many have argued (and many still do) that sight is our most important sense. But, of course, we aren’t the only species that can see. Arthropods are particularly known for their acute vision, as are squid, octopus and other cephalopods. Yet although we’ve known about sea star eye spots for hundreds of years, no one knew whether they, too, are able to see images. That is, no one knew until Drs. Anders Garm and Dan-Eric Nilsson decided to investigate.

Continue reading “Sea Stars See!”

PBS’ Poisoner’s Handbook is killer

urlIt has been three years since Penguin Press published The Poisoner’s Handbook, the NYT-bestseller from none other than the indescribably incredible Deborah Blum. Three years. You really have no excuse if you haven’t read it. But, if you are one of those unfortunate souls who has missed out, you’re in luck: The Poisoner’s Handbook has been adapted for TV, and will be premiering as a part of PBS’ American Experience next Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 8/7c. Continue reading “PBS’ Poisoner’s Handbook is killer”

Science Sushi: 2013 in Review

Wfc_pyrotechnic_displayIt’s that time of the year again where I look back and see what has happened over the past 365 days in the life of this blog. So far in 2013…

…I have posted 65 posts

…that received over five hundred thousand views

…from 207 countries/territories

…with 755 comments

The most popular post of the year was my open letter to Discovery Channel for their terrible Megalodon fauxmentary that kicked off shark week, with its follow up not far behind. Second most popular was The Mythic Bite of the Komodo, explaining the venomous nature of these dangerous reptiles. Seaward posts fared well, with some of the top slots going to my critique of a BuzzFeed article,  why dolphin-assisted births are a really, really bad idea, and yesterday’s post on how dolphins might not be getting high on tetrodotoxin. Also on the list were posts about the evolutionary origins of allergies, how parasites violate Dollo’s Lawthe addictive taste of beer, and the difference between concern and denialism. Elsewhere on the internet, I wrote about obese lionfish, and Slate liked it so much it they put  it on their list of their favorite animal posts of 2013. And last but certainly not least, my post Are Lower Pesticide Residues A Good Reason To Buy Organic? Probably Not was chosen to be included in the Open Laboratory 2013, an anthology of the best science writing online!

I’m thankful for the wonderful year that I have had here at Discover, and look forward to an even more amazing year to come. Thank you to all of you who read this blog: let’s keep this bio-nerdy party going all through 2014!


Fireworks image (c) Mark Wooding, from Wikipedia