Do Stoned Dolphins Give ‘Puff Puff Pass’ A Whole New Meaning?

You would always be smiling, too, if you were high as a kite.
Photo by Flickr user jeffk42

The BBC will be airing a cool new underwater documentary on Thursday called Dolphins: Spy in the Pod, where carefully disguised cameras were used to film the daily lives of everyone’s favorite marine mammals. But the most interesting detail seems to have been leaked on Sunday: during the documentary, some of the dolphins reportedly used a pufferfish to get stoned.

“Even the brightest humans have succumbed to the lure of drugs and, it seems, dolphins are no different,” said The Sunday Times. The article goes on to describe how the team got footage of dolphins gently harassing a pufferfish, which led to the dolphins entering “a trance-like state after apparently getting “high” on the toxin.”

“After chewing the puffer and gently passing it round, they began acting most peculiarly, hanging around with their noses at the surface as if fascinated by their own reflection,” said Rob Pilley, zoologist and one of the producers of the documentary. “This was a case of young dolphins purposefully experimenting with something we know to be intoxicating.” And so it would seem that we can add drug use to the long list of dolphin bad behaviors, (a list which includes bullying, rape and murder, for the record; illicit drug use seems a minor offense in comparison).

It sounds too awesome to be true—which means it probably is.  Continue reading “Do Stoned Dolphins Give ‘Puff Puff Pass’ A Whole New Meaning?”

GCFI’s 2013 Lionfish Session: A Tale In Tweets (#storify #Lionfish2013 #GCFI)

GCFI_Logo_finalMissed out on this year’s Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute lionfish session? It’s ok! I got you!

Head over to my storify of the session to learn more!

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Did Allergies Evolve To Save Your Life?

Introduced bee on a native ʻōhiʻa flower
Introduced bee on a native ʻōhiʻa flower.
Photo by Flickr user Zesuri

As most of my friends on the mainland don longer sleeves and more layers, it’s hard not to be a little smug about living in paradise. While, in their neighborhoods, leaves are falling off of trees and icy winds threaten to bring snow, I can throw on a T-shirt and shorts, grab a picnic basket, and hike to a scenic overlook for lunch. But Hawaii’s ever-sunny weather comes with one side-effect that can be deadly serious: year-round, Hawaii has bees.

Continue reading “Did Allergies Evolve To Save Your Life?”

GoogleFacts apparently doesn’t google their facts. So, I’ll say it again: SHARKS DO GET CANCER.

Over 1.1 million people follow the twitter account @GoogleFacts, a fun account that spouts off random bits of information. According to their bio:

“You can learn a lot of things everyday. When you doubt our facts, just Google it.”

So you can imagine my surprise when a friend pointed out this little factoid:

If you follow this blog at all, you know that this particularly pernicious “fact” is one of my biggest pet peeves. Why, you ask? Because it’s really not true. Completely, totally, 100%, proven-beyond-a-doubt false. And whoever decided to post this completely untrue statement just misinformed more than A MILLION people. Just look at how many favorites and retweets it got!

Perhaps even more importantly, if you simply take their own advice…

Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 9.43.54 PM

Come on, Google Facts! You can do better than this.

Continue reading “GoogleFacts apparently doesn’t google their facts. So, I’ll say it again: SHARKS DO GET CANCER.”

Some thoughts on harassment and being a good ally

The science blogging community has been rocked by an intense sexual harassment scandal involving, of all people in the world, the blogfather, Bora. I know a lot of my friends are experiencing a multitude of emotions, from anger to confusion, even remorse. I can’t speak for them, but I can explain why I have stayed fairly quiet about the issue.

I’ve posted my thoughts over on Medium, as a part of The Power of Harassment. Since Medium doesn’t allow comments, feel free to respond to my post here, if you wish.


A Drowned World: Incredible Underwater Images Of Miniature Men And Marine Life

Jason Isley, cofounder and managing director of ScubaZoo, has taken a lot of pictures of marine life. He’s a brilliant photographer, and his incredible images reveal the breathtaking beauty of the underwater world. But after taking thousands of pictures of everything from inverts to fish, Jason wanted a change of perspective. “I was running out of ways to maintain my passion,” he explained on flickr. Even the vibrant nudibranchs had lost their spark. “I’ve shot them from countless angles and under a variety of lighting configurations,” he said. “I really wanted to do something entirely different. Something off-the-wall.”

workers - acidians Continue reading “A Drowned World: Incredible Underwater Images Of Miniature Men And Marine Life”

Tuna | Observations

This week I’m in Miami for the first-ever ScienceOnline Oceans! I’ll be sharing my experience with you all soon, but to tide you over, here is my favorite ocean-themed post from my old blog, Observations of a Nerd
Mouse, my adorable cousin, showing off a bubble

“Christie! Christie!” My four-year old cousin tugs eagerly on my jacket. “I wanna see the fishes.”

“Ok, Tuna, we can go see the fish.”

My little cousin loves the word ‘tuna’. She says it all the time. Tuna, tuna, tuna. Everything is a tuna-face or a tuna-head. She doesn’t even like tuna (she doesn’t eat it), but she loves the sound of the word rolling off her tongue. Finally, her nanny threatened that if she kept saying ‘tuna,’ we’d have to start calling her it. My ever so adorable cousin’s response was, of course, “TUNA!” So now that’s her nickname. She’s Tuna.

Continue reading “Tuna | Observations”

Off The Menu: Using Restaurants To Fill In Missing Fisheries Data

To manage modern fisheries, scientists have to quantify and monitor populations of animals that live hidden in the vast depths of our oceans. Simply getting the data needed to get a glimpse of what is there now can be difficult, but it’s downright maddening when they try and look backwards to understand how populations of species have changed over time. Some areas have detailed catch records—others, don’t. Sometimes you get a few good decades of government data followed by long gaps in information. But that doesn’t mean the data aren’t out there; sometimes, information is hiding where you least expect it. Scientists have collected fisheries data from photographs, newspapers, and local cultural leaders. Now, a trio of ecologists have tapped another unexpected resource to fill in a 45 year gap in fisheries data in Hawaii: restaurant menus.

Continue reading “Off The Menu: Using Restaurants To Fill In Missing Fisheries Data”

Ask Discover: How Do Cells Communicate?

Got a burning science question? Send it to and we’ll try to answer it here or in a future issue of the magazine.

If you haven’t noticed, us Discover Magazine bloggers have weaseled our way into the print version through a new monthly feature called Ask Discover. You ask, we answer. Last month Neuroskeptic took on dreaming, but this month, it’s all about intercellular chatter:

Ask Discover Cell Communication Continue reading “Ask Discover: How Do Cells Communicate?”

16 Things BuzzFeed Doesn’t Know About The Ocean

Recently, BuzzFeed came out with what sounded like a really interesting article: 16 Things No One Knows About The Ocean. I’ve been a fan of BuzzFeed lists before, and some are humorously accurate. But when I clicked through to read the list, I was disappointed. This wasn’t their usual hilarious-because-you-know-it’s-true-even-if-you-don’t-want-to-admit-it style post, or even an awe-inspiring-fact roundup. It was mostly, well, wrong.

The post begins: “Welcome to the last frontier on Earth. Sure, the oceans are terrifying and the Kraken might have been real, but the things we don’t know could fill a thousand documentaries on the Discovery Channel.” Perhaps the allusion to Discovery is all the more fitting given their recent penchant for faux marine science, but that’s no excuse for this shoddy list riddled with factual errors and pseudoscience. I know BuzzFeed community content is produced by a suite of random people, but come on—they need to have some kind of quality control! As a marine scientist, I just couldn’t let it slide.

So here is a point-by-point explanation of what BuzzFeed doesn’t apparently know about the oceans:
Continue reading “16 Things BuzzFeed Doesn’t Know About The Ocean”