Science Sushi: 2014 In Review


It’s that time of the year again where I look back and see what has happened over the past 365 days in the life of this blog. So far in 2014…

…I have posted 33 posts

…that received over four hundred thousand views

…from 218 countries/territories

…with 595 comments

The most popular post of the year was my scathing interrogation of Discovery Channel’s nefarious tactics, with my complete shredding of Sharkageddon not far behind.  Second most popular was my step-by-step analysis of the death of Marius the giraffe. Last year’s posts on how dolphins might not be getting high on tetrodotoxin and my open letter to Discovery Channel for their terrible Megalodon fauxmentary stayed in the top ten this year. Other critiques also did very well, as my comments on George Will and Rosie O’Donnell also landed in the top ten. Other popular posts included 19 things more deadly than sharks at the beach, why the trust hormone increases deceit, and how sea stars see.

It's 'Dr. Wilcox' now!
It’s ‘Dr. Wilcox’ now!

Perhaps the highlight of the blogging year, though, was winning the second place prize in the 3 Quarks Daily Science Prize, The Strange Quark, for my piece and about how allergies may have evolved to save your life. I’ve also been busy outside of the blog—I successfully defended my dissertation this month, exchanging “Ms.” for “Dr.”. The Complete Guide to Science Blogging, which I am co-editing with Bethany Brookshire and Jason Goldman, will hopefully be coming out near the end of 2015, and I’m in the final stages of writing my first non-fiction pop-science book on venoms. I just got back from almost two weeks in the Peruvian Amazon—stay tuned for more stories from that next year.

Overall, it’s been an incredible year, and I look forward to the challenges, surprises, and joys of the year to come. Thank you to all of you who read this blog: let’s keep this bio-nerdy party going all through 2015!


Fireworks image (c) Mark Wooding, from Wikipedia


Science Sushi: 2012 in Review

Tonight, we usher in a brand new year and say farewell to 2012. The first full year here at Scientific American Blogs. The year of the Higgs Boson. The year Curiosity landed on Mars. The year the world was ending, but didn’t.

It’s been a good year here at Science Sushi. In the past year…

…I have posted 60 posts

…with several hundred thousand views

…from more than 25 countries

…with 269 commentsMost popular posts of the year? Well, controversy swirled around my posts related to organic farming, including why the failure of Prop 37 was a good thing, how bad reporting turns to fearmongering, and pesticides might not be as scary as we think, with added attention to my 2011 posts. Sharks were a hot topic, too, with my posts on the myth of bull shark testosterone and how shark populations are dwindling drawing in a lot of readers. Brain boosts from music and damages from Toxoplasmosa also ranked high on the list. My readers were intrigued by medical topics, from jellyfish sting treatments to reprogrammed heart muscle and the part played by scientists in bad reporting. Not surprisingly, sex was popular, from posts on big butts, Wild Sex (definitely worth watching!) and sex-deprived flies making the short list. I was most happy to see that some of my more creative posts also fared well; my heartfelt weavings of personal experience, science, and music, Taking Einstein’s Advice, Biochemically, All Is Fair and my 2011 post Time—And Brain Chemistry—Heal All Wounds were also among the most-read posts of 2012.

I’m thankful for the wonderful year that I have had here at Scientific American, and am excited to start 2013 on such a high note. Thank you to all of you who read this blog: let’s keep this bio-nerdy party going all through 2013!